2025 FICTION annual anthology

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For our 2025 anthology, we welcome fiction on any theme.

Our preference is for emotional complexity and nuanced characters, as well as precise and telling language. We are not interested in genre fiction (horror, supernatural, crime). Science fiction, if character-driven, is of interest, as is historical fiction.

Submit one short story (maximum of 5,000 words) or up to three flash fictions (500 to 1,000 words each) in a Word doc or docx, RTF or ODT, which includes title/s in the file name (but NOT the author's name). Please use standard 12 point type, double space and PAGINATE.

Do not include author name anywhere in the file, as readings are blind.

Work should not have been previously published, either online or in print. Simultaneous submissions are fine. You may submit to more than one category, but only one submission per category, please. And no AI-generated or assisted writing.

Please read back issues in our archives to get an idea of what we are looking for (at  http://echapbook.com/archives.html).

Payment: $15 for flash fiction, $25 for short stories. One Editor's Choice prose author will receive $50.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.